Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Honeymoon

The honeymoon was amazing, long, crazy, expansive but amazing. We started by spending two nights in NYC. Among taking a lovely horse and carriage ride through central park at sunset with a fun Irishman we were treated to great seats to see the pinstripes knock the piss out of Seattle (where we would spend the rest of our honeymoon) including a shutout by CC a grand slam by Cano and our names and wedding wishes posted on the big scoreboard and read over the PA system at the House that George built. We ate as good as you can and always do in NYC as well.
It was back to work for a few days and then on to Myrtle Beach, also one of our favorite places. Although we were with my folks on their vacation we still count it as part of the honeymoon as it was vacation and fun. We ate well again and enjoyed beautiful warm weather before the hurricane came. After two days it was off to the Emerald City.
What more can you say about Seattle. Desiree and I would live there in a heartbeat if it wasn’t so damn far as it is my favorite city (NYC is in a class by itself and no other city should even be called a city next to it). The city is surrounded by nature and the whole attitude of the city is so laid back like nature is. With the biggest mountains in the continental US and water everywhere we had a blast and did a lot. Our first day was spent with my two aunts and two cousins. We were treated to a great meal at the Pink Door in Seattle were we ate the most flavorful pesto and spinach lasagna as well as lavender gelato. Who knew Seattle could do food like this. The next day we hiked up to the 6,000 ft level on Mt. Rainier which is already higher than any mountain on the east coast and the mountain itself is over 14,000 feet and covered by over 10 glaciers. As we were that high we did get lost in clouds for the rest of the day so we headed back to Seattle to kayak on Lake Union cruising right by the house from Sleepless in Seattle. We ate a great meal at Ivar’s right on the water as the sunset. I ate Salmon that was caught that day as well as Alaskan crab (deadliest catch guys are stationed in Seattle) that was caught that morning. The next day we didn’t let the Seattle rain slow us up as we spent the day in the Pike Place market which I wish every town had. We had a great breakfast at Lowell’s and then sampled the food at the market as everyone is pushing their fresh fruit and other goodies. We ate the best donuts we ever ate, the best macaroni and cheese we ever ate, the best peach we ever ate, and the best tangerine we ever ate and of course Chukar Cherries was very good to me as well with chipotle dark chocolate. Didn’t think I would find any of that crazy good stuff in Seattle. Our third day we got some Top Pot donuts which were mad good and ate them for breakfast in Kerry Park which is the best view in Seattle. We then traveled up to the Ballard locks to watch Salmon swim upstream. After that we went for a nice drive on Lake Washington and I gave in and ate meat, had to. Anthony Bourdain went to a place in Seattle which he called the best Italian meat he had ever had in “Salumi”. The restaurant owned by Mario Batali’s father was no joke. With lines around the corner we waited. Desiree had the best Meatball sub she had ever had and I ate some of the best meats and cheeses I had ever tried and although it screwed my stomach up it was damn worth it as it was delicious. Later that night we ate at Elliot bay’s oyster house again eating chowder and Salmon that was caught that day. The next morning we headed up to Friday Harbor in the San Juan Islands for an amazing whale watching trip that consisted of seals, sea lions, bald eagles and of course like 50 orca whales in the wild surrounded by glacier covered mountains. It was unbelievably serene when they would turn of the boat and you would only hear water and the whales with their communication and of course the blow holes. When two whales came racing directly next to boat it, was a breathtaking moment. Those creatures are unbelievable. I also saw three bald eagles which have to be the most badass bird ever. In the wild they are majestic birds. The day was perfect, another reminder of how small we are as people and how big the world is. One of the whales was 100 years old and another was going through menopause and people are so different, it amazes me. Our final day not at the Gorge for which there will be an entirely different blog written, was spent in the Northern Cascades as the views shifted from Pacific Northwest green and snow covered huge mountains to almost California burnt sienna type huge mountains. Absolutely a beautiful ride up to the Gorge as the remaining drive was along the great Columbia River.
It was the best honeymoon we could ever have asked for as we spent some relaxing, exciting, and amazing time and experiences in not one but three of our favorite places with our favorite team and our favorite band at their favorite venue. We would live in Seattle if we could as we love it and discovered how great the food is among everything else. It was great to spend a week as a newlywed couple out there in the wild. Wouldn’t change a thing about it

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