Monday, August 11, 2008


I am not a believer of coasting through life or anything else for that matter. When I think of coasting images of a hill with two sides one up and one down comes to my mind, where is there time to coast, if the hill is flat where is the momentum to coast. My idea is that I am always either moving foward or backward with no in between. To be a "dead head" for a minute, the quote "when life looks like easy street there is danger at your door". Easy street could be coasting and the momentum is about to end.
It has always been harder for a crazy minded fool like myself to move foward then to move backwards. I generally will take seventeen steps back and a huge one foward only the break my hypothetical ass and fall back again. Because of this struggle I view the hills of balance going up is hard and going down is so easy. Wouldnt it be nice of we could all act crazy and have no regard for anything or anyone and not care that this was the life we chose. In reality most of us are better people then that dramatic idea. Going down the hill is so easy though, almost like coasting.
I felt like I was coasting at one point in my life. Routine of normality, boring, predictable, safe....or at least I thought. Thats the thing I didnt realize that I wasnt cruising up the hill but was coasting down it and I couldnt see or feel the end of the ride that leads to a big fall I was oblivious that I was feeling how I was and that I was not living to my own knowing of my own potential. The standards we live to are our own. Depression follows and the devils reach up to pry down to a dark place.
I live day by day with the notion that I am always in motion not just going through the motions but in a motion. Trying to do the next best thing, in the next good or bad situation, to the next person, place or thing, trying to live my dreams, and help others live thiers, when those actions stop I know I am in trouble. So I question which way I am going in situations and try to take just one step in the right direction, where that takes me I dont know but I'll get there someday.


Anonymous said...

I like this blog a lot. I think about things like this often. It's a wierd transition of life when you realize that you yourself have the power to lead your life in the direction that YOU want to. And it is very easy to just "coast" and fall back. But to have the strength to keep going each day with intentions of good takes a little more work. I've learned to make decisions each day that will benefit myself and the ones I love and to help lead us in the right direction. So I think it's okay to "coast" when your tired...take a min. to breath, but for the most part...take each day to move forward. Good blog Matty!

Keith Roberts said...

Someone once told me to "just live as you see fit." Coasting or not, who's to say as long as your doing allright and its what you want to do. Yup dop! Yes indeed...