Monday, October 31, 2011

Roots Are Grown but I Dont Know Where They Are

The line from this song is very true at this time in my life.  I feel great about love, life, work, play, and challenges but there are many future questions to be answered about where to live, when to start a family, what to do with my growing career and this line rings true as I feel very entrenched with love almost everywhere I go.  In the past couple of years we have spent time in NY, Seattle, Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC, Chicago, and of course North Carolina.  Each of these places we have looked at settling down in to start a family and buy a home and we just arent there yet.  We feel home almost everywhere we go as there is a lot of love in all of these places from family to friends to nature to inspiration its all around so where do you go and what do you do?  There are pros and cons of almost anyplace a person can live.  Both of us have blossoming careers in our respected fields of work and we have plans to continue enjoying life but where that takes us, we just dont know.  People ask these questions of us all of the time like we are missing something and I dont think I am, I dont feel like somethings missing.  I love my wife, my job, the past, the future and all the fun moments in roots are grown, I just dont know where they are...

1 comment:

JohnnyP said...

Your roots have grown, and continue to grow. Your vines have woven through various places, leaving your love and mark for eternity, regardless of where you end up settling. Wherever you end up, it will be the path you left behind that will be most rewarding. Nothing is missing... you are both exactly where you need to be.

That being said, my vote is for Seattle :-)