Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Steve Jobs and LSD

One of the greatest minds in American history passed away recently and left with him a vast legacy that included just about anything that began with an i (ipad, ipod, itunes,iPhone),  Disney pixar, Apple computers, and the Internet.  Steve Jobs was a very creative and innovative mind, a mind that lacks in America more now than ever.  As there has been alot of coverage about this man and his life that sadly ended at 56, I have learned alot about just how unique a vision he had.  I was not aware that he helped create Lucas film and then Pixar Studios and is responsible for all the Pixar films, I knew about Macintosh and Apple computers being revolutionary in the late 70's early 80's and again when he returned in the mid to late 90's until now, when apple dominates technology.  Another under looked fact, at least to me, even though he said it years ago, was that Steve Jobs said that taking LSD was one of the two or three most important things he ever did in his life.  I find that shocking on one end but at the same time it makes perfect sense to me.  He also said that if Bill Gates had taken acid, his company, Microsoft would be much better as acid allowed him to dive in to the creative part about himself to become as innovative as he was then and is now.  LSD and hallucinogenics can be very dangerous drugs if used in the wrong set and setting and also if your minds chemical makeup is not designed to handle that substance, however, LSD is a non addictive substance that when used in moderation can have drastic perceptual impacts that can help a person to understand things about themselves, life, meaning, relationships, and reality that maybe they wouldn't already understand or see.  Many spiritual groups still use hallucinogens as spiritual practice, to get closer to a Higher Power.  There have also been proven benefits to magic mushrooms as I referenced in another blog post.  Now I am not saying take drugs, or take LSD, but the key is to open your mind and be open to ideas, creativity, open to the possibility that you don't have a fucking clue and you are searching to find something out there just like everyone else.  Some of the greatest minds of all time like Steve Jobs, Francis Crick, Matt Groening, as well as some of the most influential painters, authors, musicians and comedians used LSD and credit it with major breakthroughs in their experience of life.  For some people this drug opens up a part of their minds that they cannot access normally and allows them to change their frame of reference in life.  I was shocked that Steve Jobs took LSD and called it one of the most important things to ever happen to him, but I am not surprised.

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